Saturday, December 28, 2013


As the blog states... I am the owner of the piece of shit known as Timo Gorner. Timo is a high up in the HR department of 20th Century Fox Movie Studios. Over the course of the last year he has divulged to me his deepest and darkest desires and fettishes. In time all of those fetishes will be posted on here, starting with the first one. Blackmail.

That's right, that dumb ass voluntarily wants me to blackmail him. He will give me incriminating evidence and force that fag to pay me what I feel is sufficient to hold my tongue. And so far I have already milked him for a few things that I want. HAHAHAH What a dumb ass right? Okay so that isn't even all of it...this whole blog is designed as a blackmail tool in itself. If he doesn't comply with the demands I make of him this blog will go public with ALL the dirty little details about his personal life...something I would bet the Executives at 20th Century Fox wouldn't hesitate to fire him over. That is why if that piece of shit knows better he will comply with the orders made of him. And first of all...

PLAYSTATION 4, with 2 controllers and Assassin's Creed: Black Flag will be delivered to my door, or the money will be sent to my Google Wallet so I can buy it myself from Gamestop. This will stay public until this demand is met.

And remember....January 1st is in 4 first fucking Bluray better be ordered by then.