Monday, February 10, 2014

How Much Have You Spent?

This is going to be a rolling counter of how much you have spent on me. It will have a Grand total and how much have you spent this year so far. After my Birthday I will set a goal we will reach by the end of the year on how much you will have to send me.

TOTAL: $2450.12

2014: $2117.88

OVERALL GOAL FOR 2014: $7000

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Fax Taxes Due

Okay you useless son of a bitch, I am seriously pissed off at you right now...I haven't heard from you in almost 3 weeks. My blu rays have not arrived and you have not even made contact with me. I am about 10 seconds away from making this blog completely discoverable Timo Gorner...who resides at:

352 N. Odgen Dr.
Los Angeles, CA 90036

With a phone number of:
(310) 872-7416

Yeah that's right dumb ass...better get a hold of me like NOW. Because my patience is growing VERY VERY thin. NEXT to be posted is all your personal information. including date of birth, DL number and SSN. 

Because I am getting more and more pissed off, I have increased your FAG Tax... 25% of it comes directly to me. NO EXCUSES. Or I swear there will be hell to pay. NOW BUY MY FUCKING BLU RAYS FAGGOT.

Update: Feb 10th... Fag Taxes PAID HAAHAHAHAHAH....Oh yeah, That's right Playstation 4 here I Come!!!! On YOUR DIME hahahahahah....

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Tick Tick CHARGE

Well fag you are falling even further behind on your obligations, I mean seriously haven't gotten Week 4 Blu rays, and you are about two hours from being behind on Week 5. I am a few days away from opening a credit card in YOUR name and buying them myself....Yeah that's right fucker, i have ALL THE INFO I NEED TO DO IT. Try are pushing your luck faggot. Better get on top of it

By the do you like the new Craigslist Ad I posted ahahahaa.....that's right....there are more of them out there right now. Every day I dont hear from you a new ad gets posted.