Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Driving Yourself Into Debt

Thats right Timo you LOSER...you are taking that Driver's Licence Number F5202578 and driving yourself deeper and deeper into debt. You are 6 weeks behind on blu-rays you stupid fuck. and that includes the late fees on top of that as well. And from now on EVERY late Blu ray will result in TWO extra movies for that week. You are slacking and you will start to REALLY Feel it.

The Craigslist ads just don't seem to work anymore so now it's time to start picking up the pace. I might just have to include PICTURES in the ADS, and post them in YOUR HOME TOWN. Thats right...Gotta put a little more fear into you.

Or maybe I will have to open a credit card in your name, That might make things a little more fun for me. HAHAHAHAH