Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Dont Fuck With Me

Thats right Timo Gorner, you worthless piece of shit. Do you realize just how much of a fucked up situation you put me in with that bullshit you just pulled. No communication, no nothing....just started issung refund requests for all those cash fag purchases you made. Yeah that right. Timo Gorner who works with Twentieth Century Fox Group and is associated with National Geographic currently has a pretty fucked up underside and personal life. He is a cash fag...he loves sending money to guys to talk dirty to him and to humuliate him....well here ya go Timo, Humiliation at its finest. This post goes up for not only me but another unnamed person that you fucked over with these random refund requests.

The shittiest part is you didnt even communicate with me. 4 years of this situation...4 fucking years Timo and then just bam. Nothing from you except for Paypal Return requests that go back months and months. Worthless faggot I swear, ESPECIALLY with my current situation in which we JUST talked about not even 2 weeks ago...fuck you.

The ironic thing about this is that I got an E-mail today about this ancient blog that I havent posted too since 2015 saying that they havent seen me for a while. You know what, its the perfect time to update it.

We are live, open to the world. Not private, not hidden, back to its original state from when we first started it, and you and I BOTH know that this blog shows up in Google searches. Lets see just how you come across this. You know how to contact me, but just know the conversation wont be plesant when you do.