Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Dont Fuck With Me

Thats right Timo Gorner, you worthless piece of shit. Do you realize just how much of a fucked up situation you put me in with that bullshit you just pulled. No communication, no nothing....just started issung refund requests for all those cash fag purchases you made. Yeah that right. Timo Gorner who works with Twentieth Century Fox Group and is associated with National Geographic currently has a pretty fucked up underside and personal life. He is a cash fag...he loves sending money to guys to talk dirty to him and to humuliate him....well here ya go Timo, Humiliation at its finest. This post goes up for not only me but another unnamed person that you fucked over with these random refund requests.

The shittiest part is you didnt even communicate with me. 4 years of this situation...4 fucking years Timo and then just bam. Nothing from you except for Paypal Return requests that go back months and months. Worthless faggot I swear, ESPECIALLY with my current situation in which we JUST talked about not even 2 weeks ago...fuck you.

The ironic thing about this is that I got an E-mail today about this ancient blog that I havent posted too since 2015 saying that they havent seen me for a while. You know what, its the perfect time to update it.

We are live, open to the world. Not private, not hidden, back to its original state from when we first started it, and you and I BOTH know that this blog shows up in Google searches. Lets see just how you come across this. You know how to contact me, but just know the conversation wont be plesant when you do.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015


Yup that's right...2015 already. That means time to set new goals for the year on just how much your dumb ass is gonna spend on me HA! You didn't make your goal last year, and to boot, you ditched us when we made this year I am not going to be as nice.

I REQUIRE you to hit the goal that we set or ELSE...

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Where the fuck?

Alright loser, what the fuck? I have contacted you a number of times giving you commands and I have not heard back from you. You need to get back to me or Timo, I swear this will go viral with all your info on it. You have pushed the limit of my patience with this. Get back to me NOW LOSER....I mean it.

You have some majorly back fag taxes to pay right now. I have movies and other items I want. Better get ready to start spending. Oh by the way...Got my Secured card so better get ready to start paying the bill on it while I spend on it haha.

You have 2 days to respond to me, from todays date...or else on TOP of the shoes I ordered you to buy me a NUMBER of times, you will be buying me ALL of the blurays on my list $15 and Under. So better get back to me.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Driving Yourself Into Debt

Thats right Timo you are taking that Driver's Licence Number F5202578 and driving yourself deeper and deeper into debt. You are 6 weeks behind on blu-rays you stupid fuck. and that includes the late fees on top of that as well. And from now on EVERY late Blu ray will result in TWO extra movies for that week. You are slacking and you will start to REALLY Feel it.

The Craigslist ads just don't seem to work anymore so now it's time to start picking up the pace. I might just have to include PICTURES in the ADS, and post them in YOUR HOME TOWN. Thats right...Gotta put a little more fear into you.

Or maybe I will have to open a credit card in your name, That might make things a little more fun for me. HAHAHAHAH

Thursday, March 13, 2014

A Blu-Ray A Week

So since we started a new year I decided to put a task to the piece of shit Timo. I told him he will buy me ATLEAST one blu ray a week until the end of the year...with the occasional added bonus when I tell him to buy an extra one. I will keep track of the progress in this post of the blog.

Week 1: Ending Jan 4 - The Pilliars Of The Earth - COMPLETED
Week 1: Ending Jan 4 BONUS - Annapolis - COMPLETED
Week 2: Ending Jan 11 - Robocop Collection - LATE
Week 3: Ending Jan 18 - Percy Jackson: Sea Of Monsters - COMPLETED
Week 4: Ending Jan 25 - The Hunger Games LATE
Week 4: FRIEND BONUS - Pirates Of The Caribbean: Curse Of The Black Pearl LATE
Week 5: Ending Jan 31 - Jurassic Park Collection LATE

Week 6: Ending Feb 8 - Gladiator / Troy Double Feature COMPLETED
Week 7: Ending Feb 15 - Apollo 13 LATE
Week 8: Ending Feb 22 - The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey - (4-3-14)
Week 8: Ending Feb 22 LATE PENALTY - Fringe Season 1 (4-3-14)
Week 9: Ending Feb 28 - National Treasure (4-3-14)
Week 9: Ending Feb 28 LATE PENALTY - Fringe Season 2 (4-3-14)

Week 10: Ending March 8 Part 1 - Star Trek Classic Movies Box Set (4-3-14)
Week 10: Ending March 8 Part 2 - Star Trek TNG Movies Box Set (4-3-14)
Week 10: Ending March 8 LATE PENALTY - Fringe Season 3 (4-3-14)
Week 11: Ending March 15 - Hunger Games Catching Fire (4-3-14)
Week 11: Ending March 15 LATE PENALTY - Fringe Season 4 (4-3-14)
Week 12: Ending March 22 - After Earth (4-3-14)
Week 12: Ending March 8 LATE PENALTY - Fringe Season 5 (4-3-14)
Week 13: Ending March 29 - Captain America: The First Avenger (4-3-14)
Week 13: Ending March 29 -  LATE PENALTY - V For Vendetta (4-3-14)

Week 14: Ending April 5 - 47 Ronin (4-3-14)
Week 15: Ending April 12 - The Amazing Spiderman
Week 16: Ending April 19 - The Hobbit: Desolation Of Smaug
Week 17: Ending April 26 - Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes & Inception

Week 18: Ending May 3- Memoirs Of A Geisha & Source Code
Week 19: Ending May 10- Pirates... :Dead Man's Chest & Pirates... : At Worlds End
Week 20: Ending May 17- Your Birthday Week (Details Coming Soon)
Week 21: Ending May 24- The Island & Total Recall
Week 22: Ending May 31- Harry Potter: Years 1-6

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Birthday Week

Thats right you piece of shit, its my Birthday week. And I swear you BETTER NOT forget to txt me on my birthday and wish me a happy birthday or so help you. If I don't recieve a txt that day it is a $200 fine for incompetence and disrespect. So set an alarm on your phone or do SOMETHING or it is gonna cost you big time. March 6th....dont forget faggot.

Monday, February 10, 2014

How Much Have You Spent?

This is going to be a rolling counter of how much you have spent on me. It will have a Grand total and how much have you spent this year so far. After my Birthday I will set a goal we will reach by the end of the year on how much you will have to send me.

TOTAL: $2450.12

2014: $2117.88

OVERALL GOAL FOR 2014: $7000