Sunday, July 20, 2014

Where the fuck?

Alright loser, what the fuck? I have contacted you a number of times giving you commands and I have not heard back from you. You need to get back to me or Timo, I swear this will go viral with all your info on it. You have pushed the limit of my patience with this. Get back to me NOW LOSER....I mean it.

You have some majorly back fag taxes to pay right now. I have movies and other items I want. Better get ready to start spending. Oh by the way...Got my Secured card so better get ready to start paying the bill on it while I spend on it haha.

You have 2 days to respond to me, from todays date...or else on TOP of the shoes I ordered you to buy me a NUMBER of times, you will be buying me ALL of the blurays on my list $15 and Under. So better get back to me.

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