Monday, January 27, 2014

To Kill... Or Not To Kill

Yes it's time to divulge into a little more about this faggots deep dark secrets. I was telling that dumb ass to comply or I might just have to out him to his mother. The old German woman would have a heart attack right there on the spot if she knew half of the shit he has told me. He called that idea "Intriguing" and "Fascinating". SERIOUSLY...What kind of sick fuck actually takes me killing his mom as intriguing. MY GOD he must be some sort of fucked up in the head for that kind of thinking. I mean he even asked me if me killing dear old mama was too "dark" for me....fuck man, what a loser.

Fag you are fucked up....SERIOUSLY. And It just might come down to that, you are late on your Week 4 Blu-rays and since those two were late, you now owe me Fringe as well....and WHERE THE FUCK IS MY PLAYSTATION 4!!!! You have YET to buy that for me as are falling so far behind faggot you are going to regret it here soon. Not to mention my birthday is in 38 days...and that week is going to be EXPENSIVE for you as well...better start catching up before I start opening credit cards with your info to catch you up myself. 

Sunday, January 19, 2014

A Friend Finds the Blog....The Plot Twists

HAHAHAHAHAH Awwww.....getting scared fag? Just because someone you know in London found this blog about you. Yeah thats's hitting a little close to home isn't it. Personal humiliation too much??? TOO BAD. Oh man I would have LOVED to have been a fly on the wall to hear that conversation and listen to you squirm as they mentioned they saw it. 

Well if you don't want it to go public again then you better continue to comply with what I am telling you to do. There is no way out now fucker, I OWN YOU. I have all the personal information to destroy your life faggot, so you better keep complying with my Demands. Just cuz you get a little wet doesnt mean you quit the game, because at this point there is no quitting. 

My standing demand is a Blu ray a week...and it is now Week 4, so I expect a shipping confirmation here sometime soon. 

In fact, I am so incredibly amused at the fact that someone found the blog I am posing a second Bluray for week 4 for MY amusement, and to tighten the noose around your neck a little bit more.  I have chosen Pirates Of The Carribbean: Curse Of The Black Pearl in tribute to are CURSED at this point. There is no way out FAG. Comply or else we go public again.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Ohhhhhhh okay I just have to post this on the blog right now. That stupid faggot just literally gave me all the info I need to devistate his life. He just handed me the key to EVERYTHING....his SSN....along with his DL number and I already have all the rest of his personal info. The noose has been how can i utilize this?

Credit Cards in his name sent to my house with a second card with MY name on it?

Call up Chase and set up a money transfer??

Oh fuck yes the possibilities are limitless. You just fucked up Timo you stupid piece of shit...Fucked Up BIGGGGGG TIME. AHAHAHAHAHAHAH

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Stomp Stomp CASH

So New Year calls for a new post on here. Lets indulge a little bit into one of that dumb fucks fettishes. So get this...he wants me to kick him as hard as I can. Like for real he gets off from being kicked and trampled on. What a fucking loser right!? Imagine this...Me meeting up with this stupid fag, kicking him as hard as I can in the balls, and taking his credit card to go shopping...maybe even drag the dumb fuck along with me and everytime I make him pay for something that I want, I kick him again... WHAT A LOSER. AHAHAHAH. God I swear some of the stupid shit people get off on. What a pitiful excuse of a person.