Monday, January 27, 2014

To Kill... Or Not To Kill

Yes it's time to divulge into a little more about this faggots deep dark secrets. I was telling that dumb ass to comply or I might just have to out him to his mother. The old German woman would have a heart attack right there on the spot if she knew half of the shit he has told me. He called that idea "Intriguing" and "Fascinating". SERIOUSLY...What kind of sick fuck actually takes me killing his mom as intriguing. MY GOD he must be some sort of fucked up in the head for that kind of thinking. I mean he even asked me if me killing dear old mama was too "dark" for me....fuck man, what a loser.

Fag you are fucked up....SERIOUSLY. And It just might come down to that, you are late on your Week 4 Blu-rays and since those two were late, you now owe me Fringe as well....and WHERE THE FUCK IS MY PLAYSTATION 4!!!! You have YET to buy that for me as are falling so far behind faggot you are going to regret it here soon. Not to mention my birthday is in 38 days...and that week is going to be EXPENSIVE for you as well...better start catching up before I start opening credit cards with your info to catch you up myself. 

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